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Affiliation KPIs


This article describes the KPIs relating to the affiliation program, i.e. everything relating to content, publications, links shared and traffic brought to the brand's sites or shops.

The indicators are grouped into three categories:

  • Publications created by the Members

  • Visits resulting of publications and other links shared

  • Emailing campaigns sent by the Members

Available filters

Filters that applies to all indicators:

  • Date range: Start date, End date

  • Role: Member’s role (Values 0 to 6)

  • Member: Member’s ID

Filters that only applies to Publications:

  • Type of publication:

    • Internal (only displayed inside Popsell App)

    • External (displayed on Popsell App, Widgets and shared on social medias and by email)

    • Brand (Internal publication created by the Brand, not associated to any member)

Filters that only applies to Visits:

  • Origin (multi-select criteria)

    • Social media → Selected by default, all other sources are unselected by default.

      • Facebook

      • LinkedIn

      • QR code

      • E-mail

      • etc.

    • Member (the Member performed an action himself on his own publications)

    • Administrator (action performed by an Administrator)

    • Community (action performed by another Member)

    • Widget (action was triggered from a Widget embedded in the e-commerce website)

  • Target: Target of the click (Profile Page, Publication, e-Commerce page, Newsletter …)

Filters that only applies to Emailing:

  • Type of email: Publication (Publication sent by Members to their Contacts) or Newsletter (Sent by a Popsell Manager to Members)

Type of publication is in AMBASSADOR_POST, Type = POST for internal publications, POPLISTE for external publications. Brand publications are identified by Type = POST and id_ambassador is NULL.

Media where the publication has been shared is stored in the shared_xxx fields (e.g. share_facebook) in AMBASSADOR_POST.

Origin of an event and Target are stored in POPLISTE_STAT_RECORD in SOURCE and TARGET.

E-mailing related events are identified in POPLISTE_STAT_RECORD by EMAIL or MAILER_XXX in TYPE.

More information about the data model can be found here Affiliation | Tracking Data model

Report components

Bold → implemented in Dashboard 5.0 MVP
Italic → will be implemented in further versions

Publications KPIs


Name (En/Fr)

Description (En/Fr)


Number of new publications

Number of new publications created by the Members within the period.

Fixed indicator.


Nombre de nouvelles publications

Nombre de nouvelles publications créées par les membres pendant la période.

Indicateur non fluctuant


Number of publishers

Number of members who created a publication within the period.

Based on AMBASSADOR_POST, using id_ambassador

Nombre de publieurs

Nombre de membres ayant créé une publication dans la période.

Indicateur non fluctuant.


Publications by member

Average number of publications created by members over the period. This value is calculated according to the number of members who have published.

It is therefore the ratio between the number of new publications and the number of publishers.

This indicator does not fluctuate.

Publications par membre

Nombre de publications moyen créé par les membres sur la période. Ce chiffre est calculé par rapport aux nombres de membres qui ont publié.

C’est donc le rapport entre le nombre de nouvelles publications et le nombre de publieurs.

Indicateur non fluctuant.

Visits KPIs


Name (En/Fr)

Description (En/Fr)


Number of visits

Number of visits generated by clicks on publications or links shared externaly (e.g. by email or on social networks).


Nombre de visites

Nombre de visites amenées par des clics sur les publications ou les liens partagés à l'extérieur (par exemple par email ou sur les réseaux sociaux)

Emailing KPIs


Name (En/Fr)

Description (En/Fr)


Publications sent by email

Total number of publications sent by email. This indicator counts the number of publications, not the number of recipients. Based on the date when the publication was shared.


Grouped by id_popliste

Media and Target filters do not apply.

Publications envoyées par email

Nombre total de publications qui ont été envoyées par email. Cet indicateur compte le nombre de publications, pas le nombre de destinataires des publications.


Total email sent

Total number of emails sent. This indicator counts the total number of recipients of all emails.

Same as Aff-Card-10, but not grouped by id_popliste.

Total d’emails envoyés

Nombre total d’emails envoyées. Cet indicateur compte le nombre total de destinataires de tous les emails.


Total email opened

Total number of emails opened by the recipient

Emails ouverts

Nombre total des emails ouverts par le destinataire


Total email clicked

Total number of email clicked

Emails cliqués

Nombre total des emails cliqués


Total email bounced

Total of email not delivered (bounced, hard-bounced and blocked).

Emails non délivrés

Nombre total des emails non délivrés (bounce, hard-bounce et bloqués).


Total email spam

Total of email marked as Spam

Emails spam

Nombre total d’emails marqués en Spam


Email click rate

Ratio between the number of emails sent and the number of emails clicked.

Taux de clic des emails

Rapport entre le nombre d’emails envoyés et le nombre d’emails cliqués.

List of Members


Name (En/Fr)

Description (En/Fr)


Affiliation activity

  • Lastname, Firstname, ID

  • Role

  • Number of new publications Aff-Card-1

  • Total email sent Aff-Card-81

  • Number of visits Aff-Card-10

  • Number of Sales (Affiliation)

  • Total sales (Affiliation)

Activité d’affiliation

Tableau d’indicateurs conversationnels par membres :

  • Nom, Prénom, ID

  • Role

  • Nombre de nouvelles publications Aff-Card-1

  • Nombre d’emails envoyés Aff-Card-81

  • Nombre de visites Aff-Card-10

  • Nombre de ventes (Affiliation)

  • Chiffre d’affaires (Affiliation)

Publications - Charts


Name (En/Fr)

Description (En/Fr)


Shares by media

Breakdown of the media on which publications are shared.

Based on AMBASSADOR_POST, using the shared_xxx fields.

Media and Target filters do not apply.

Partages par média

Répartition du nombre total de publications créées sur la période, répartis selon les médias sur lesquelles elles ont été partagées.


Shares by media

Evolution of the media on which publications are shared.

Based on AMBASSADOR_POST, using the shared_xxx fields.

Media and Target filters do not apply.

Partages par média

Evolution du nombre total de publications créées sur la période, répartis selon les médias sur lesquelles elles ont été partagées.


Publishers by media

Breakdown of the total number of publishers over the period, broken down by the media on which they shared their publications.

Based on AMBASSADOR_POST, using id_ambassador and the shared_xxx fields.

Media and Target filters do not apply.

Publieurs par média

Répartition du nombre total de publieurs sur la période, répartis selon les médias sur lesquelles leurs publications ont été partagées.


Publication content

Horizontal bar chart

Number of publications created within the period:

  • Total number of publications

  • with photos

  • with YouTube videos

  • with native video

  • with product attached

Contenus des publications

Nombre de publications créées sur la période :

  • Total

  • avec photos

  • avec vidéos You Tube

  • avec vidéos natives

  • avec produits liés


Visits by media

Breakdown of the media of external visits with the period

Visites par média

Répartition des visites sur la période selon le media d’origine


Visits by target

Breakdown of page types targeted by clicks (profile, publication, product, etc.)

Visites par cible

Répartition des types de pages ciblées par les clics (profil, publication, produit …)

Other indicators : To be specified


Name (En/Fr)

Description (En/Fr)

Number of quizzes / Active quizzes

Quiz response rate

Number of newsletters sent

Newsletter open rate

Newsletter click rate

Number of challenges ni progress

Number of closed challenges

Points acquired during the period

Points spend during the period

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