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CSV files data feed

Document version 3.8.2


This guide depicts all the data flow interfaces available on the Popsell platform through CSV files.

Depending on data flows, they can be :

  • imported into the Popsell platform,

  • or exported from the Popsell platform.

Data flows can be :

  • triggered manually via the Popsell Manager,

  • or programmatically every night, between 4 AM and 5:30 AM C.E.T. In that case, CSV files are uploaded on an FTP folder located on a Popsell server, or on another FTP server provided.

Web services can also be used for data exchange, please refer to the specific guides.

File structure

  • File format is CSV, UT8 encoded, delimiter is comma (,) or semicolon (;)

  • First line always contain the column labels (first line ignored during import)

  • Date format is “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” or “YYYY-MM-DD”

  • String values must be surrounded by double quotes if they may contain the delimiter. The escape character is backslash.

  • Recommended file name is [file-name]-YYYYMMDD-[seq].csv

    • File-name identifies the type of data (eg: contacts)

    • Seq is a sequential used to order the files is more than one is to be uploaded every day

    • Folder structure : one subfolder for each type of file

Brand ambassadors [Export | Manual or Auto]

Folder and file name: AMBASSADORS

Popsell user id

Popsell unique promoter’s identifier

Customer ID

Customer’s unique ID


1 if user is active, 2 if user is an administrator, 0 otherwise



M or F

First name

Last name


Birth date


1 if user has unsubscribed, 0 otherwise


Number of external posts created


Current score in the gamification program

Registering white list [Import | Manual]

The list of authorized users to get registered into the Popsell Platform.

All the records are appended to the database.

Identifier *

Customer’s unique ID or customer’s email address

Ambassadors’ contacts [Import | Manual or Auto]

Folder and file name: CONTACTS

Contacts with email addresses are imported into the Popsell CRM database. They are linked to an ambassador according to its customer ID. Contact ID is used as the key to identify the record updates.

Customer_id *

Ambassador’s unique ID

Contact_id *

Contact’s unique ID


String – email address






M or F


String - Comments


String - Address line 1


String - Address line 2








String Home phone


String Mobile Phone


true or false

IsSoftDeleted *

1 if contact record has been deleted
0 otherwise


String : fr_FR (can be null)




Integer : Type of contact

1: Hostess

2: Client

3: Prospect

4: Sales representative

Note: extra data and tags cannot be imported through CSV files, but only using the web service. Please refer to the web service documentation.

Products and product categories [Import | Auto]

Folder and file name: PRODUCTS

Product flow also creates corresponding product categories if category name is not found

Category name *

Name of category. Displayed as a tab in the front office UI

Category label

Label of category. Displayed as a sticker on the product frame when categories are combined in the front office UI [Optional]

Category url

Used when categories are displayed as an image. Link to a category page on the ecommerce site [Optional]

Category start date


Category end date


Category image url

Used when categories are displayed as an image [Optional]

Product ref *

Unique Product reference (If not unique, need to combine with SKU)

Product label *

Product description


Product price


Product url


Product image url *

Payment requests [Export | Manual or Auto]

Folder and file name: PAYMENT_REQUESTS

Payment requests are issued by ambassadors (requested manually or automatically via the gamification program). They are created in a “PENDING” status.

If exported manually, all the PENDING requests are exported.

If exported programmatically, all the PENDING requests issued for more than 5 days are issued. This delay enables the administrators to check for fraud or misbehaviour.

Customer ID

Ambassador’s customer ID


Ambassador’s email


Payment amount requested

Request ID

Popsell request ID

Payment requests confirmation [Import |Auto]

Folder and file name: PAYMENT_PROCESSED

Once payment requests have been processed, a result file must be created. The requests will be marked as “PAYMENT PROCESSED”, and a confirmation email will be sent to the promoter. If provided, an activation code will be sent in the email (to be entered by the promoter while processing an order).

Request Id *

Popsell request ID

Activation code


Points of sale [Import | Manual]

A list of point of sales (stores) can be imported from the Popsell Manager.

POS Identifier (Brand POS ID)

POS Type [Optional]

Store name [Optional]

Store description [Optional]

Store hours [Optional]

Address street 1 [Optional]

Address street 2 [Optional]

City [Optional but recommended]

Post code [Optional]

Country [Optional]

Phone 1 [Optional]

Phone 2 [Optional]

Email [Optional]

Technical support

For any support, or any specific demand, please contact Popsell at:

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